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Mercy and Forgiveness

In The Midst Of Divorce

In this 17 minute video filmed for the Faces Of Mercy 2016 Conference For Moms, Lisa shares a very personal story of mercy that took place between her and her ex-spouse, as well as advice for living the Year of Mercy in a way that impacts your life and the lives of others.  $1.99

Improve Your Financial Situation Today!

with Jamie Minster, Divorce Financial Specialist

Podcast #1

Welcome to the first of many podcasts with my friend, Jamie Minster, a certified Divorce Financial Specialist, who brings you sound advice on how to improve the state of your finances. In this podcast, Jamie and I discuss the all-important question so many people who go through a divorce have... Is selling my house the right thing to do?   $.99

Improve Your Financial Situation Today!

with Jamie Minster, Divorce Financial Specialist

Podcast #2

This is time well spent with my friend, Jamie Minster, a certified Divorce Financial Specialist, who brings you sound advice on how to improve the state of your finances. In this podcast, Jamie and I discuss another critical question so many divorced people face, especially women... How do I re-enter the workforce?   $.99

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