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Lisa's appearance on Salt and Light TV's "Perspectives" with Pedro Guevara Mann.

You Might Be A Catholic If...

an original video by Lisa Duffy

Here's a fun look at the idiosyncrosies of being a practicing Catholic...

What Is Love?

an original video by Lisa Duffy

What is love, anyway? My candid inter-views of residents of Charleston, SC offer excellent food for thought.

Supporting Divorced Catholics:

Welcoming the Wounded into the Field Hospital

At a time when divorce has become an everyday occurrence in society, parish leaders may feel at a loss as to how to ad-dress the overwhelming needs of the many divorced Catho-lics in their communities. With the wide range of emotions, questions, and dilemmas these men and women go through, how can they be effectively supported with truth and com-passion? This webinar offers practical tools that can help par-ish leaders reach and serve this group within the Church.


Join Lisa Duffy and host Jared Dees, Marketing Manager for Ave Maria Press for this one-of-a-kind webinar, Supporting Divorced Catholics: Welcoming the Wounded into the Field Hospital

© 2024 Lisa Duffy
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